Lyra de Xopoto (1955)

Sinter SLP 1025

I just received from Nilton Maia the first album (a 10′ Lp) by Lyra de Xopotó. This album was posted originally on our friend The Trackfinder‘s site, but the link has expired a long time ago and The Trackfinder could not re-upload it due to a serious problem, so he was referring a visitor who asked for a renewal of the link to Parallel Realities, where he thought it might turn up.
The Trackfinder was right as three months after his comment here it is:

01. Mocinho do Circo (Lyrio Panicali) Dobrado
02. Arregaça a Saia (Lyrio Panicali) Maxixe
03. Saudade De Queluz (Lyrio Panicali) Valsa
04. Capitão Miranda Pinto (Lyrio Panicali) Dobrado
05. Sonhador (Lyrio Panicali) Dobrado
06. Julieta (Lyrio Panicali) Polca
07. Quadrilha (Lyrio Panicali) Quadrilha
08. Capitão Francisco Senna Sobrinho (Lyrio Panicali) Dobrado

Here is also Nilton‘s digested version of The Trackfinder‘s text about this release:

“The band was born from the Radio Program Lyra de Xopotó in 1954, created and presented by the broadcaster Paulo Roberto at Rádio Nacional and was directed to stimulate the music bands in the country.  The program was broadcasted on Saturdays, had the Maestro Lyrio Panicali as the main arranger and a dialog between Paulo Roberto and Mestre Filó, a fictitious character represented by the comedian/musician Jararaca.  As the program became a success, the band (composed by musicians of Rádio Nacional cast) started recording.

The first record was released by Sinter, in 1954, with the dobrados Capitão Francisco Senna Sobrinho and Sonhador, both composed by Lyrio Panicalli.
In 1960, the band released a last album with the dobrado São Paulo Quatrocentão, by Garoto and Chiquinho, and the marcha Me Dá Um Dinheiro Aí, by Ivan Ferreira, Homero Ferreira and Glauco Ferreira.  With the ending of the program at Rádio Nacional, the band ended too. It recorded ten 78rpm’s and a few LP’s.”

The complete text you may read at the original post at The Trackfinder‘s blog.


Direção de Lyrio Panicali

Créditos: The Trackfinder / Nilton Antonio Rodrigues Maia

LEMBRANÇAS por Francisco Miranda:
Me recordo quando nas noites de sábados, na minha infância – e lá se vão sessenta anos! – ficávamos o pé do rádio a ouvir a ‘Lyra de Xopotó’ pelas ondas da todo-poderosa emissora brasileira Rádio Nacional-RJ dos anos ’50: o apresentador Paulo Roberto fazia os comentários, citações e anúncios e, depois, emergia a voz de Jararaca, o ‘Mestre Filó’, que ‘entrava em cena’ dizendo:
“… pois que de qualquer banda, temos a banda, porque aqui ninguém debanda… é UM… é DOOIS… é JÁÁÁÁ!!!!” e a Lyra de Xopotó (ou outra banda convidada) ‘colava’ um número musical.
Tudo indo ao ar ‘ao vivo’…
Ótimos tempos!