Miltinho – As Mulheres de Miltinho (1968)

As today is the international ladies day, I decided to re post from loronix, as a compliment primarily to the ladies that visit my site, this album by Miltinho, bearing an appropriate title: As Mulheres de Miltinho.
I do not know why Miltinho is not photographed with a cigarette, neither on the front, nor on the back cover, but even without one, I can not get rid of the impression that he is the champion of political incorrectness.
Ladies, enjoy the gentleman’s voice voicing these songs:
01. Rosalina (Haroldo Barbosa / Wilson Batista) — Faceira (Ary Barroso) — Maria Boa (Assis Valente)
02. A Rita (Chico Buarque)
03. Botões de Laranjeira (Pedro Caetano)
04. Helena Helena (Antônio Almeida / Constantino Silva “Secundino”)
05. Emília (Haroldo Lobo / Wilson Batista)
06. Eu Não Posso Ver Mulher (Osvaldo Santiago) — Ora Vejam Só (J. B. da Silva “Sinhô”) — Odete (Dunga / Herivelto Martins)
07. Doralice (Antônio Almeida / Dorival Caymmi)
08. Bolinha de Papel (Geraldo Pereira)
09. Madalena (Ari Macedo / Airton Amorim)
10. Izaura (Herivelto Martins / Roberto Roberti)
Créditos: Zecalouro (his text about this album is included inside the first comment, as usual in such cases)

One thought on “Miltinho – As Mulheres de Miltinho (1968)

  1. Zeca's text about this album as found on loronix:
    As Mulheres de Miltinho has a repertoire dedicated to women with each song makes a reference of a woman, a girl, anyway, Miltinho knows everything about women and you should check what he does in this LP. As Mulheres de Miltinho is arranged by Maestro Nelsinho, so be prepared for several trombones dueling with Miltinho singing. Maestro Lyrio Panicalli is in charge of Musical Direction and Herminio Bello de Carvalho also plays his role as production assistance.