Clara Nunes com Lyrio Panicali & Orquestra – Insensatez / A Felicidade – Compacto (1968 a parallel reality)

The last few days I have been listening to lots of Brazilian orchestras. The absolute top (so far) is Lyrio Panicali and his Orchestra with an LP from 1968 (can be found on loronix together with several other of his masterpieces).
I am playing it over and over for days.
A pleasant surprise for me was also that Clara Nunes performs two songs: Insensatez and A Felicidade, in my opinion the best music she has ever recorded.
Curious that these songs were not recorded as a compacto. In our side branch of parallel realities at least…
So I took the obvious route.
A travel through other realities revealed one in which a compacto with those two tracks was released and packed inside the cover displayed above.
The tracks from a parallel reality:
Lado A:
Insensatez (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
Lado B:
A Felicidade (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
Créditos: Zecalouro from a parallel reality

2 thoughts on “Clara Nunes com Lyrio Panicali & Orquestra – Insensatez / A Felicidade – Compacto (1968 a parallel reality)

  1. Este compacto não existe em nossa realidade. Foi encontrado em uma outra que existe em paralelo ao nosso
    É uma produção (sem número) do Parallel Realities Studio, Belgrado 2010.