Marcia Maria (1978)

EMI-Odeon 062 421130

A short time before the original Parallel Realities Studio got deleted, Márcia Maria had her premiere with her only career album recorded 1978, on which she is backed by a long list of renowned musicians:

Maurilio (trumpet)
Zé Bodega (sax tenor)
Aurino (sax baritone)
Ed Maciel (trombone)

just to name a few as the complete list is printed on the back cover.

The compositions Márcia is singing, enhanced by a mixed choir are:

01. Tambourine (Robson Jorge / Ronaldo)
02. Gandaia (Wando / Luis Vagner)
03. Sorriso Falso (Lincoln Olivetti / Ronaldo Barcellos)
04. O Jeito É Não Vacilar (Laércio Freitas / Carlos Dafé)
05. Rasgando Pano (Beto Scala / São Beto)
06. Para Comigo Fazer (Djavan)
07. Amigo Branco (Leci Brandão)
08. Quero de Volta o Meu Pandeiro (Ivan Lins / Ronaldo Monteiro de Souza)
09. Pensar (Martinho da Vila)
10. De Pé de Mão Ou de Bico (Paulinho Camafeu)
11. Uma Vida Sem Amor (Dom Carlos)
12. Girandê (Édson / Aloísio)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos

A DISCOVERY by Stu Blagden:
If it’s the same Marcia Maria as i think (and its easy to get all these Marcias and Marias mixed up!!) I think she made quite a few other albums (i think she moved to Europe in the 1980’s):

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