Amazonas – Para – Bahia e Seus Compositores Na Voz de Ataide Beck

Academia Santa Cecilia de Discos ASC-30

Before I continue, there is some unfinished business to finish: Immediately before going for a few days away from Belgrade for some hedonistic actions, I scheduled several albums so that they were supposed to appear day after day.
The Sword of Damocles cut my well prepared plan to pieces.
I wrote also the texts to accompany each album, but as I did not note them down and save, I will skip them now and say that all these recordings are self explaining and that complete information may be found on the back covers of each.
Or better, may be found on two albums received from Pedro & 300discos of which this one presented today is the first.

Arnaldo Rebello on piano and the previously unknown singer to me Alaide Beck are performing compositions by Arnaldo Rebello, Waldemar Henrique and Babi Oliveira:

01. Como Crescem As Águas do Rio (Arnaldo Rebello)
02. Mani, Mani (Rondel de Mandioca / Arnaldo Rebello)
03. Na Partida  (Arnaldo Rebello)
04. E O Rio Não Levou (Arnaldo Rebello)
05. O Rio (Arnaldo Rebello)
06. Canção Breve (Arnaldo Rebello)
07. Toada Baré (Arnaldo Rebello)
08. Bate, Bate Coração (Arnaldo Rebello)
09. A Frase Que Eu Queria (Arnaldo Rebello)
10. Canção do Rio Mar (Arnaldo Rebello)
11. Marapatá (Arnaldo Rebello)
12. Côco Peneruê (Waldemar Henrique)
13. Senhora Dona Sancha (Waldemar Henrique)
14. MomentoMinha Amada Tão Longe’‘ (Waldemar Henrique)
15. Trem de Alagoas (Waldemar Henrique)
16. Seresta da Saudade (Babi Oliveira)
17. Singela Canção de Maria (Babi Oliveira)
18. Recomendação (Babi Oliveira)


Créditos: Pedro & 300discos