Marisa Gata Mansa e Denise Duran – Canções e Saudades de Dolores (1960)

If there is an album which I would nominate as a candidate for the most important album recorded in Brasil (from my far-away, eccentric, Serbian point of view) then it is, without much doubt, this obscure and forgotten LP recorded, after the passing away of Dolores Duran, by her best friend Marisa Gata Mansa and her sister Denise Duran.
This album I downloaded a long time ago from loronix, but it was transferred from a faulty copy and had an incorrigible undertone on some tracks. When it appeared once more on my good friend’s site (Simon Boutman‘s legendary Microgrooves) I downloaded it once more.
Simon cleaned the scratches, but this inevitably removed also some sound frequencies, so I asked him if he could send me the uncleaned copy, which he kindly did.
I spent quite some time manually cleaning the heaviest scratches one by one in order to avoid even the slightest loss of sound. The lesser scratches I left untouched.
As Simon‘s site is gone once more (I am sure that it will re-appear sooner or later) I have taken myself the liberty to post the album here as I received it from him, minus several heavy scratches.

Enjoy it as I did while listening to these songs composed by Dolores Duran:

01. Tome Continha de Voce – Marisa
02. Ceu Particular – Denise Duran
03. Leva-me Contigo – Marisa
04. Quem Foi – Denise Duran
05. Nao me Culpe – Marisa
06. Por Causa de Voce – Denise Duran
07. Ideias Erradas – Marisa
08. Olhe o Tempo Passando – Denise Duran
09. Fim de Caso – Marisa
10. Noite de Paz – Denise Duran
11. Estrada do Sol – Marisa
12. Solidao – Marisa


Créditos: Simon Boutman